XY: Roaring Skies - Collector's Tin Hoenn Power Case

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Set: XY: Roaring Skies Sealed
Release Date: 2015-06-01
Ride the Winds of Battle!

Diving from the edge of space, Mega Rayquaza-EX makes its magnificent debut while Mega Latios-EX and a horde of Dragon types bellow their challenge! With high-flying superstars like Deoxys, Dragonite, Zekrom, Hydreigon-EX, and Thundurus-EX, the Pokémon TCG: XY—Roaring Skies expansion calls you to battle higher, faster, strongerand with all-new boosts like Mega Turbo and Double Dragon Energy cards, the sky's the limit! Ascend to the clouds and soar to victory!

This case of XY: Roaring Skies - Collector's Tin Hoenn Power contains 12 tins in total!

• 4 XY: Roaring Skies - Collector's Tin Hoenn Power (Sceptile-EX)
• 4 XY: Roaring Skies - Collector's Tin Hoenn Power (Blaziken-EX)
• 4 XY: Roaring Skies - Collector's Tin Hoenn Power (Swampert-EX)

Each XY: Roaring Skies - Collector's Tin Hoenn Power contains:
• 4 Booster Packs
• 1 Code card for the online TCG deck
• 1 Promotional card

(Each booster pack contains 10 randomly inserted game cards.)

Cards vary by pack. Booster pack packaging varies by product.

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